Written by Super User.
LANDMAP is a unique system, allowing information about the landscape to be gathered, organised and evaluated into a nationally consistent data set. LANDMAP Information is collected in a structured and rigorous way that aims to be as objective as possible. Its database contains both relatively objective information - such as rock type and historical information - and more subjective information, such as sensory responses and cultural interpretation. LANDMAP information can also be combined with contextual socio-economic information.
We continue to work with CCW in support of this and other projects to this day.
Written by Super User.
SmartData have developed software that is used to run the organisations activities. This includes membership and the management of several UKAS accredited farm assurance schemes, including farm assessments and certifications. This project has provided exceptional value for money providing substantial savings in organisation running costs.
Welsh Lamb and Beef Promotions Ltd
Written by Super User.
A subsidiary of Innovis Ltd, that manages a number of nucleus flocks for the purpose of creating hybrid animals for the food industry. This company required an application that would record the information associated with clients, flocks, animals, breeding information and animal movements. Again, a modular application was utilised that could seamlessly integrate with legacy systems to ensure client information and lookups were not duplicated.