Windows Forms, Quartz

Quartz Time Management

Utilise your most valuable resource efficiently

Quartz™ is a project/task based time management system that tracks user's activities and generates accurate reports for billing or activity planning.

One of your most valuable resources is your employees time. Being able to track the time they spend on individual tasks or projects will help identify inefficiencies and help with accurate billing and project planning.

Time Management

Time management is the act or process of exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities. However, in order to make constructive decisions the first thing you'll need to know is where your employee's time is being spent, what projects are costing you money and which are profitable.

Collating detailed information on company activities allows you to pursue profitable areas and cut back on those less profitable, leading to a streamlined and more profitable organisation


„Extremely powerful and flexible time management software.“

- Daniel Q, Engineer -


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